Monday 18 March 2013


Yesterday, we spent the day at my Aunty and Uncles house. They sent us home with some of my cousins old toys and one of the gifts was this wonderful dinosaur track. I set it up for the girls this morning, and they played with it all day! They completely love it. I also think it is pretty fun. I just had to share these sweet pictures of the girls playing. They had their own story and role play and i wasn't allowed to join in so i just sat back and snapped away.

I love that they play together now and i am excited to see them over the years together. Elle is desperate for Mia to move in to her room. She just loves her sister and i think she is glad that she is old enough now to play with her. I just love capturing these sort of days where they are so engrossed in their own little words.


  1. such beautiful pictures. must be amazing watching them bond like that!

  2. I have a favorite picture of my daughter playing with her brother's Matchbox cars. Sweet photos!

  3. Wonderful photos! I love how they dress up in their favourite dresses, wellies etc, then play other stuff, as if wearing a fairy dress, or your wellies indoors was just Normal!
    The pictures are great - I'm so glad they're happy with the Dino set - though I was pretty sure they would love it; it always went down well with James and his friends (and their parents!) xx

  4. Oh my!Thay are so adorable.
    (Elle's dress is brightly dreamy!)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Flexitrack... my twins use to love to play with that when they were younger. I sold it to a friend at work which i now regret. Beautiful pics like always.

  7. oh just found you and i adore your blog, its a very beautiful place in the blogsphere...thank you xxxx and this post made me smile really big, my little boy has the same toy and loves it, dinosaur world building is a regular here as well xxxx much love x

  8. oh how i love! It's so cute how Elle has her fairy dress on while playing with dinos. Perfect.

    M xx



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