Saturday 23 February 2013

Learning to appreciate

A few days back, i was reading through my blog feed and scrolling through instagram, and i kept feeling this pang of jealousy creeping up on me. That persons street looks nicer than mine or that persons coffee shop looks better than mine. I often compare what i have to what others have without seeing or knowing the full story. The grass is always greener on the other side!

Lately, i have this urge to get away from all that is familiar. When you are set in the same routine with the same walk to and from pre-school and the same aisles in the supermarkets, it can become very suppressing.  I found myself wanting to just fly to somewhere that i didn't know and explore and find new places and discover new people. I ended up having to put my laptop away and have a serious think about why i was feeling like this. When i thought about it a bit longer, i don't think being away from home is what i really want or need. I think i need to appreciate what i have more. 

I want to rediscover the beauty around me. The beauty i walk past everyday on the way to pre-school or on the way to the supermarket. I want to turn these feelings around and really appreciate what i have around me. I guess everyone feels this at some point. Its one of the negatives about being a blogger. You are constantly drawn into others life's and things always look so much nicer in their walk of life. But you never see the full story or see the full 360 degree's of that picture they shared. I hate being a jealous person and it is something i want and need to change. I am challenging myself to take more pictures of the beauty around me.  I want to take everyday pictures of things i walk past everyday but never really "see".

Over the next few weeks, i shall be sharing my heart. I think its important sometimes to challenge yourself and take a step back to figure out why you feel certain feelings that you have. I let things play heavy on my heart and when i feel something too much, it takes over a little. Finding new and challenging ways to deal with these struggles is something i have been working on.

Please feel free to link up any posts about sharing your heart, honesty, feelings. This is my first link up, so please support me :)



  1. Here's something to admit: I have been feeling the exact same way today -- about your life! Your beautiful girls and your marriage and your beautiful home! So I guess the grass is always greener! x

    1. Oh please don't feel like my life is perfect. It really isn't but thank you for saying such lovely things. xxxxxx

  2. You must know that we all get the same envious feelings when we see your beautiful, dreamy images! How I exercised my own local appreciation:

  3. Snap darling! I love you so much! xx

  4. Good for you, sweetie! We all have this problem and many people never learn to deal with it.
    Certainly, appreciating the good in our lives is a helpful and healing thing for us. Envy, irritation, ennui, greed, just sheer blindness to our own blessings, is so destructive and corrosive.
    Appreciating what we do have and letting go of the negative, is so cleansing and gives us freedom to enjoy life so much more.
    Love you! X

    1. Thank you Aunty. i love you so very much xxx

  5. Touching post! To compare with others usually only leads to pain, in a very unnecessary way. And it makes so much sense to look again at our everyday and realize it's already beautiful, special. Tomorrow or the day after I was going to post something personal, maybe I will join you in this link post : )

  6. I can completely relate to what you said. When I was living in the UK last year everything became new and automatically "beautiful". It took me a while to get into some sort of routine... now that I'm back in my country I've decided to live my city as a tourist, whenever I can.
    Hopefully I'll have the time to join you :)
    (The photos are so lovely by the way)

  7. I know this feeling only too well.i think it's a byproduct of blogging sometimes, because we all tend to focus on sharing the beautiful bits of our lives and not all the ugly too, like the days where we don't brush our hair because we're too busy child caring to have time, or the lazy days when we're too tired to go anywhere exciting, or the mountain of laundry, or the nights when it's beans on toast for tea again.
    I decided last summer to start sharing some of my struggles instead of just sharing the pretty. And I've received such support as a result. And it's really helped me find the beauty in ordinary life because its the littlest things that matter anyway.
    I'll definitely be linking up. X

  8. Love this post! I experience the same thing everyday, and I really hope I can stop feeling jealous! Anyway, can't wait to see you share your heart, you're always so lovely x

  9. It's so easy to become jealous of other people's online lives. It's always good to remember online lives are typically the tip of the iceberg when it comes to real lives. As jealous as you become of others, I'm sure others are just as jealous of you. It's good of all of us to take a second to appreciate our own lives. :-)



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