Sunday 24 June 2012

lions and tigers!

For a few months, Elle has started to create a little gallery in her bedroom. She makes little lion and tiger faces with book pages, buttons, glitter and paper.
We have a pile of old vintage books she loves to look through and pick out pages from and then she settles down at the table with her craft things and glue and creates her faces.
This morning, i gave her a few pages from my wildflower books and she created five pages to add to her wall. Its such a fun project and adds a great touch to her room. Mia has a painting by Elle in her room and we have one on our fireplace too.

She can spend hours crafting, painting, sticking and colouring. I think i have a little artist in the making! She even adds whiskers to her faces.



  1. That's lovely! How nice to make a collection for her and put them all up on the wall together.
    I may have a few bits to put in a box for her, so she has some new things to choose from. X

  2. thank you aunty, any odds and bobs would be a great help. we ran out of stickers this morning so of course, we had to take a visit to the pound shop to pick up some more. x

  3. Just beautiful! She's a true artist :)
    Thank you so much for your kind comment on my exam pieces! Made my evening :)

  4. loving this art and your photographic capture of the artist at work:) loving the freedom to mix and match and make everything come out so perfectly sweet. precious years. thank you for the view and sharing such precious moments.

  5. Looks charming and lovely photos of the process!



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