Tuesday 8 May 2012

She flew a kite

Its not often that we get Gilles home two days in a row in the week as he works at the theatre, so is always normally working long hours. Elle found a disney princess kite yesterday in the pound shop and so today, we took her to the meadows to fly it! She was so excited and kept jumping around shouting "i am so exciting to be flying a kite today!"

I just sat back mostly and let Elle and daddy have their time together. It is so wonderful seeing them as she is just like him in everyway and it is like they live in their own little world when they are together. It was just a really nice day. We visited the bluebells too and saw the horses. I recorded alot of the day so tomorrow, i shall be posting up a video of the day and Elle's camera pictures too from the woods.

I have changed the URL of the blog to match the new name. I hope it doesnt cause too much trouble with people seeing my new blog name in their feed. I hope that the url name has just been updated in peoples feeds so the new posts still show up? Could anyone let me know either way as i am panicking just a little.

I also wanted to say thank you for all the kind words i have received about my Vlog. I was very nervous to do one but glad i did, so thank you for the support and encouragement. I hope to do another vlog soon. Does anyone have any ideas what i might be able to do?



  1. Gorgeous photos - as ever! I love the two bottom ones - don't they look sooo alike?

    I haven't seen your Vlog yet - will go and look. How about doing one about your lovely dresses? Or your photography?


    1. Thank you aunty. It was lovely today. :)
      thank you for the ideas. i was thinking about maybe a little home tour soon. we shall see :)

      i love you x

  2. Oh yes! I agree, a vlog on your dresses, Jewery and style, just love your taste :))
    These pictures are just magical too, looks like a lovely day xxxx

    1. Thank you darling girl. i shall have a think about another vlog x

  3. How lovely to see Helen above me on the comments :)
    And Elle what a great but that kite was!
    You were so good at flying it all by yourself! Well with a little help from daddy.
    Keri-Anne have you any photos of the kite with just sky that you would consider putting in the shop? I'm sure they'd sell (I'd like one)
    Love k xox
    Ps look fwd to vlog - anything you pick to talk of will be wonderful x

    1. hello darling, thank you for popping over here.
      Yes i could put some in the shop, maybe a three set also?
      Was there a particular one you liked best as i took alot quite similar. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. VLogs can be tricky! I actually joined up with a few girls and we each created a video on our respective days of the week. It was a group thing, of course. We'd have a question for the week and discuss others' answers and so on. Not quite what you're looking for but it's a worthwhile experience. :)

  5. Oops. That was me - I'm awful with Blogspot comments!

    1. hello again :)
      I have done one vlog and it gave me so much confidence. I didnt feel like i could publish it but i just held my breath, pressed publish and then quickly closed my laptop. The response was so overhwhelming though and i am thinking about doing another one in a month or so,
      thankyou for your comment x

  6. VLogs can be tricky! I actually joined up with a few girls and we each created a video on our respective days of the week. It was a group thing, of course. We'd have a question for the week and discuss others' answers and so on. Not quite what you're looking for but it's a worthwhile experience. :)



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