Thursday 24 May 2012

14 months

Oh Mia,
14 months today! And you are celebrating by having a high fever. It was supposed to be your injections today, but your temperature was too high. You have been burning up and i have just put you down to see if you will sleep.

Your likes: You LOVE your sister. So much. You two are best friends and i am so excited to see how close you become as you get older. I hope you still love each other in a few years. She is so protective over you and when people come near you, she stands so close and tells them that you are her sister, proud as punch! 

Your dislikes: Sleeping! you just dont like it atall. You perfer to be wide awake, lying in between mummy and daddy. I think i have gone past sleep deprived now and im managing to cope a little better on just 2 hours sleep a night!

You are becoming so clever. You can sing the first line of happy birthday to you, you sing "row row row ba" then scream as we sing if you see a crocodile, dont forget to scream. I can hear you crawling around the house singing to yourself. You can say: hi, hello, bye, where gone, night night, cat, dog, mama, dada and love you.

You are still not standing unaided or walking but you take your time. You are so clever We are just planning your christening now and we are going to give you a perfect day. We love you so much darling

Mummy x



  1. Aw Happy 14months sweet pea!! Enjoy her! They grow up way too quickly.

    Beautiful site! =)

    Hope you can come by ours as well.

    Candy- posting for Shannon, Sweepstakes Mama

  2. Happy 14 months! My daughter will be 14 months in about a week.

    1. thank you, and happy 14 months to your daughter for next week x

  3. Ah she's such a beautiful fairy, I love the words she's saying now! And you are having a christening that's wonderful news, I hope it is a sunny and lovely day for you when the time comes.
    Kat xxxx



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