Monday 23 April 2012

She turned one!

Mia turned one on the 24th of last month. It has been a month now that she had her birthday. I was going to throw her a Mia in One-derland party but i have just been so sleep deprived that we ended up having an open house and a bbq. It was wonderful though as all the family came over and then my mum took Mia and i to buy her first pair of pre walker shoes to help her steady herself when she is standing.

I am truly sorry to have neglected this blog. I have been just focusing on getting through the days without falling asleep!!! I am glad to be back now though and i have alot to share.




  1. Well, it's your blog, so you can do what you want!
    Sorry you've been suffering with lack of sleep. It's one of those parts of parenting that nothing can prepare you for. And somehow, you assume it won't "affect me" - but it does... Glad you're getting more sleep now! XX

    Mia's so lovely. She is getting very pretty now too. Her hair's gorgeous and soft and she has such lovely rounded, rosy cheeks; and those big blue eyes are amazing!
    Of course, I'm biassed, but I do think I have three very gorgeous great nieces!!

    1. thank you aunty. She is still being a monkey at night!

      Yes, she is just so beautiful isnt she :) i am so proud of her x

  2. Aww so lovely! Happy belated birthday to Mia <3 xo



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