Wednesday 14 March 2012

Mollie Makes 11

I am a little late posting this issue's review as the new Mollie Makes magazine is out in the shops tomorrow.
I do believe that last month i mentioned how that issue was my favourite. Well scrap that because this issue is my favourite so far!! I just love the childrens rooms features and the photos are wonderful.
I have included a few of my favourite pages for you to marvel over!

Also, a little reminder about my GIVEAWAY!
Saturday is the last day to enter, i would love for you to enter :) And remember, it is open to everyone! Even if you are not a follower or have a blog.



  1. Hehe those little mice sitting on the chair remind me of bagpuss! xx

  2. Those tiny clothes get me every time especially as the turquoise floral is a liberty print
    Kat xox

  3. Awww... I'll need to save my fabric scraps for Mini-Mice! So lovely.
    I had a push-along dog like one of the ones in the photo - I'm sure I remember it... hmm... That was more than a couple of years ago (obv)!



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