Saturday 15 October 2011

Little Ballerina

Elle has her first dance class today. She woke up this morning the most excited i have ever seen her! She had her ballet outfit all set out at the end of her bed and if she had it her way, we would have been at the dance school by 7am!
We got there and took her into the studio and she ran staight into the middle to start dancing. She did ballet, modern and then tap. She did so so well and looked really dissapointed when it finished.

She takes after her mummy. The lady who owns the dance school was my dance teacher. I did ballet, modern, tap, jazz, lyrical, drama, gymnastics and singing for years and years and seeing her dancing away made my heart swoon! All my insecurities and anxieties just slipped away and i couldnt help smiling all the way through. So now, every saturday, my little ballerina will be dancing her little heart out!

p.s I have added another day onto the giveaway, so today is the last day to enter!!!!! Click here.


  1. She is so gorgeous - just like her mummy! XX

  2. Cute, cute, cute!

  3. So lovely to know you were a dancer too, and that Elle is following in her mummy's footsteps or should that be dance steps :)
    Kat x



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