Monday 10 October 2011


We spent most of this morning in the library. I certainly have a little bookworm. In our library, there is a castle in the middle of the childrens section. After her initial excitment about the rugs and having to roly poly about 50 times on each one, she sat herself in the little door way seat and picked out all the books she wanted and read her way through them.
I think this is a place we will be visiting all the time. She is working towards her first bookworm certificate so she is very excited to go back. Maybe tomorrow!! 

Oh and dont forget the GIVEAWAY



  1. We love the library too and have been collecting the certificates - just two more to go and then it's the bear for the Book Crawl. Yours sounds great with the castle, what a brill idea!

    My son is still a chewer so I have to be really careful that our library books don't get munched!

    Sam x

  2. well if this doesn't warm the heart and bring a smile to the face...nothing does! keep spreading the love of reading -- in this day and age of computers and such -- there is NOTHING like a real book to transport a child into the world of sweet imagination! loved this post and hope tomorrow brings her new dreams!

  3. This is so sweet! We love going to the library, too. Such a great way to spend the day with your family!

  4. That's a great hobby to start this early! There is an award for you on my blog. I hope you can check it out!

  5. Great pictures, as always. I love your taste in photography. It's a great idea to take kids to the library. I guess sometimes we forget they can also have fun in a quiet place. So good to develop the taste for reading that early in life.

    Come check my latest post. It's about marriage.
    Hope you like it. Have a nice week!



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