Wednesday 24 August 2011

5 months

5 months today! Where oh where has the time gone. Is it really 5 months?
Mia has been rolling from her back to her tummy for two weeks now but just now, she had rolled to her tummy then rolled over to her back! What a way to celebrate 5 months!! I am so proud of her. She has also been saying "Dada".
She has such a huge personality! She smiles so much for her sister and of course her daddy. I have already lost one daughter to her daddy, and it seems this little one is a big daddys girl too! But thats ok. Seeing how much they love him makes my heart swoon.

Dear Mia,
You are just so amazing! i have no other words! Thank you for choosing us as your parents and for making our world complete. You are such a chubby thing! 16lbs 13ozs!! boy oh boy! Your sister wasnt even that until she was 8 months old!
Mummy has had to stop feeding you but its ok. I have come to terms with it but i am so sorry. Its for the best as you just weren't getting anything from me and we were both getting upset. I loved our 5 months of nursing together though. Thank you for that time.
You have been having a little bit of fruit the last two days. Yesterday was banana and the day before was apple.
Mummy is going to a farmers market to get lots of vegetables and fruits and i am going to make you the most yummiest meals!

You adore your sister. And she adores you. You are her "little baby mia". I hope you two grow up to be best friends like you are now.
Well, thank you for 5 wonderful months. We all love you with all our hearts.



  1. Oh my goodness she's a DOLL! I love her sweet little dress and head band! You are simply blessed. =)


  2. oh my, she is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that lovely smile, and those eyes! so pretty. I also love the picture of elle on the beach in your last post. she has the most wonderful hair :)
    x x x

  3. she is just beautiful. oh how adorable.

  4. Your girls always have the sweetest little clothes on!

  5. Mia is so gorgeous, and truly, you seem like such a great mother. Blessings on you and your sweet girls!

  6. She is so cute I think I''l just die!



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