Saturday 9 July 2011


Yesterday was my birthday. I had a lovely time and got some beautiful things.
It started on the thursday night going out for our neighbours to the local pub for the quiz. I havent laughed like that in a long time! We spent midnight bringing my birthday in by having a bonfire in the garden sitting under the stars.
On my actual birthday, we had a teaparty at the abbey planned with the family. I woke up to rain! and that was it for the whole day. Rain rain rain! i actually felt like crying. I was so looking forward to the teaparty and hadnt anything else planned that i would have wanted to do. But we had an indoor teaparty and i had made cupcakes. We were going to walk along the canal in the afternoon at one point when the rain had stopped for it to only start again once we were about to go out. In the evening, my sister stayed all evening followed by her boyfriend coming over after his work and we just had a lovely chilled out evening. The boys playing xbox and me and my sister gushing about our babies and watching videos of them! (of course!).
Today, we visited our aunties to celebrate my grandmothers birthday and had a lovely day of cake and laughs.
I got some wonderful gifts. A sewing machine, sewing books, narnia dvd, jewellery, lots of bath things, cupcake decorating bits, vouchers to my favourite shop, peppertrees, and my boy is buying me and old retro bike as my old bike is too rusty to renovate. I got some pennies so i will be going to get my hair dyed. I also got a lovely notebook and music box.
My lovely friend, Kat, over at Secrets got me a flower fairy print that is called "the pink fairies". Very fitting for our last name is pink!

Here are a few more pictures of the day.



  1. So glad you had a lovely birthday, even though it rained! The cupcakes were fab!

  2. Lovely to hear about your day Keri-Anne, pleased you enjoyed it with family - despite the rain, and thank you for the sweet mention too :)
    I love that photo of you at the table- so pretty, and the cupcakes are making me want to eat them!
    Do you plan to make some clothes for your fairies with the new sewing machine?
    I have one which I got about 5 years ago, it can do embroidered writing, which I wanted especially so that I can add words to things.
    Hopefully I'll be able to feel up to it one day, before long.
    Love Kat xx

  3. It looks like a lovely day was had by all... I'm glad the rain didn't spoil your plans too much.
    Where did you get your sunglasses from, they're absolutely darling :)
    Enjoy using your sewing machine. I'm very jealous, I had to get rid of mine recently and I'm still mourning it's loss!

  4. thank you everyone.
    Kat, i have just written a post about my sewing machine plans.
    Amanda, i got them from primark for £1 :) xx

  5. Lovely photos!
    I also have a curly red headed girl. :0)



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