Thursday 3 August 2023

The churchyard cats


A beautiful Tuesday afternoon and evening spent in the churchyard of a beautiful Oxfordshire village with the cats, the birds and the view of the windmill that was used in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Just behind this bench is the house that was also used in The Vicar of Dibley and a house that was used in goodnight Mr Tom. 

We sat and ate chips in the pub garden and then spent the rest of the time in the church yard. Two little cats followed us around and sat on the girls laps on the benches. It was rather magical really!

On the home, it rained most of the way and we stopped to get some food. When we came out back to the car, we were met by a beautiful pink and golden sky so we quickly jumped in the car and headed to the nearest field! I just managed to capture the sunset before it disappeared back into the clouds.


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